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Gravure printing presses

date:[2018-05-15]     pk_hits:

Gravure printing referred to as gravure, which is one of the four printing methods of a printing. Gravure printing is a direct printing method, it will be gravure pits contained in the ink directly onto the substrate, the printed layer of the shade level is determined by the size and depth of the pit, if the pit deep , Then contains more ink, imprinted on the substrate after the ink layer is thicker; the contrary, if the pits are shallow, then the amount of ink contained less, imprinted on the substrate after the ink layer It is thinner. The gravure printing plate is composed of a pits corresponding to the manuscript and the surface of the plate. When printing, the ink is filled into the pit, the plate surface of the ink with a squeegee scrapped, plate and the substrate between a certain pressure contact, the ink will be transferred to the paste on the substrate to complete the printing.

Gravure printing as a printing process, with its printed ink layer thick, bright colors, high saturation, printing plate printing rate is high, print quality and stability, printing speed and other advantages in the field of printing and packaging and graphic publishing Occupy a very important position. From the application point of view, in foreign countries, gravure is mainly used for magazines, catalogs and other fine publications, packaging and printing and banknotes, stamps and other securities printing, but also used in decorative materials and other special areas; India is mainly used for flexible packaging printing, with the development of domestic gravure technology, has also been in the paper packaging, wood decoration, leather materials, pharmaceutical packaging has been widely used. Of course, gravure printing also has limitations, the main drawbacks are: prepress plate making technology is complex, long cycle, plate making high cost; due to the use of volatile solvents, workshop harmful gas content is higher, the greater damage to workers; Practitioners require relatively high treatment.

If you have any product questions or suggestions, or you want to know, you can contact us at any time.

Contact us

  • Building 2, Jingye Road, Sanqiao, Dongshan Economic Development Zone, Ruian City, Zhejiang Province
  • 13396778787 15355956668
  • 0577-65167588
  • 0577-65161388
  • rg@rgyj.net


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