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What is color printing in gravure printing presses?

date:[2019-11-01]     pk_hits:

Gravure printing machine in the color printing that is multi-color printing, according to the color light color mixing method, so that the natural color of the original decomposition of the original color separation version, and then use the pigment reduction method, the original color version reprinted in the same printed matter, According to the original color overlap area of the number of different, and get the original natural color prints also. All color prints, except for a few of the increase color method and the color method, the full color method printed.

This is the introduction of gravure printing in color printing.

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  • Building 2, Jingye Road, Sanqiao, Dongshan Economic Development Zone, Ruian City, Zhejiang Province
  • 13396778787 15355956668
  • 0577-65167588
  • 0577-65161388
  • rg@rgyj.net


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