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Do you know the classification of the ink scraper in the gravure press?

date:[2018-05-15]     pk_hits:

The standard for the classification of ink scrapers in gravure presses. The blade has a perfectly uniform blade thickness. Within the service life of the scraper, the contact area of the roller is consistent with that of the roller, so the tone is exactly the same. The blade has a unique polishing process that allows the blade to fit rapidly to the roller at the beginning of the print, thereby reducing wastage.

The offset angle of the squeegee in the gravure press. The blade shape of the larger oblique angle makes the scraper wear less and the contact area reduces to provide a clear scraping effect. Larger bevel design also reduces blade breakage. The angle of the bevel varies from 4 degrees to 15 degrees. It is suitable for printing in short editions.

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