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What is the ink scraper in the gravure press?

date:[2019-11-01]     pk_hits:

In gravure printing, the ink scraper is controlled by offset printing. It is a complex process of printing ink, including printing ink, printing paper and paper. In gravure printing, the ink scraper is a mechanical operation, relatively simple, but it has its own unique characteristics. The ink scraper must be wearable and efficient in order to ensure high quality printing, and it must be suitable for the permanent and high-speed needs of modern gravure printing.

The ink scraper is a printing machine used to scrape off the surface of the cylinder, the excess ink is divided into two kinds of metal and nonmetal. The ink scraper is the key to removing ink in the non patterned areas during each printing process.

This is the introduction of the ink scraper in the gravure press.

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