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Laser engraving of gravure printing technology

date:[2018-05-15]     pk_hits:

Gravure printing machine laser engraving processing technology is based on the use of CNC technology, laser for the processing medium. Processing materials in the laser engraving moment of melting and gasification of the physical denaturation, can make laser engraving to achieve the purpose of processing.

Laser engraving is the use of laser technology in the object engraved above the text, this technology engraved out of the word without scoring, the object surface is still smooth, writing will not wear.

This is the introduction of gravure printing technology laser engraving.

If you have any product questions or suggestions, or you want to know, you can contact us at any time.

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  • Building 2, Jingye Road, Sanqiao, Dongshan Economic Development Zone, Ruian City, Zhejiang Province
  • 13396778787 15355956668
  • 0577-65167588
  • 0577-65161388
  • rg@rgyj.net


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